Wednesday, October 28, 2009

two little girls from oklahoma

I feel like I may have exhibited a bit TOO much of the dark side of my nature in that last post. I mean, schadenfreude is something that nobody should admit to, let alone on the world wide web in front of EVERYBODY.  So now I'm thinking I should post something NICE on TOP of it and nobody will scroll down and they'll think THIS is my post, and then I look good again.

These shots are of my niece and her friend. They were both so beautiful, so 'Faces of America,' so...innocent, that I couldn't get over it. Please love them with me:


  1. Alissa - the Big SisOctober 28, 2009 at 8:08 PM

    They look simply incredible! OMG No words can describe how adorable I think my little girl is.

  2. How fantastic they look! You are right...the innocence, the coming new faces of America, the future. The endless possiblities they exude!

  3. America's Next Top Models - 2016 :)

    the girls are gorgeous!!
